compost Teas & EXTRACTS
In addition to using vermicompost, brewing tea and using it as a soil drench, foliar spray or deep root injections, has shown to be very beneficial. The bacterial and fungal population in quality compost is about 1 billion per teaspoon. In actively aerated vermicompost tea (AACT), this population can grow exponentially. The beneficial bacteria, fungi, nematodes and protozoa go straight to the root system or leaf surfaces right where they are needed.
Compost tea is a liquid produced by extracting nutrients, metabolites, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes from compost. Using high quality professionally engineered tea equipment is paramount to receiving the desired results, just as using high quality vermicompost is. It is essential to know that the beneficial group of bacteria and fungi, protozoa and nematodes, is in the compost or vermicompost used to make Actively Aerated Compost Tea.
At Black Diamond Vermicompost, we have used many compost tea systems from a variety of manufacturers. We have determined through observation, trials and testimonials from our customers, that the Growing Solutions system is the superior machine. It produces a consistent product when used with the GSI Microbial Catalyst. We make it to order and deliver it fresh to your farm or you can pick it up.
If you are considering purchasing equipment to make your own vermicompost tea, we highly recommend a GSI model. This short video will show you how easy it is to make and perhaps more importantly, how easy it is to clean - a feature unique to this durable and dependable machine.
If you would like info on GSI Compost Tea Systems, please let us know.
Liquid Extracts can be vital to healthy soil and beneficial to your plants.
Nutrient cycling to increase nutrient and mineral uptake of roots
Disease prevention and control
Soil building as aggregates form and humus is developed
Plant health, growth and production, as well as deeper color, enhanced flowering, increased aroma and more nutrient and mineral density.
Increase runners in grass or root size in plants
Improve water holding capacity of soil as beneficial microbial communities are established
The two key reasons to use it:
Infuse microbial life into the soil or onto the foliage of plants
Add soluble nutrients to the foliage or to the soil to feed the organisms and plants.
The use of a liquid extract is recommended whenever the organisms in the soil or on the plants are not at optimum levels.
A professional lab can analyze your soil and leaf samples for an overview as to whether the organisms in your soil/plant leaves are at optimum levels or not.
Chemical-based pesticides, fumigants, herbicides and some synthetic fertilizers kill a range of the beneficial micro-organisms that encourage plant growth. On the other hand, compost teas improve the life in the soil and on plant surfaces. High quality compost tea will treat the leaf surface and soil with beneficial micro-organisms instead of destroying them.
The benefits of using a liquid biological product:
Improved plant growth as a result of using beneficial organisms to protect the plant surfaces. The organisms occupy infection sites and can also prevent disease-causing organisms from finding the plant.
Improves the nutrient retention of the soil thus stimulating plant growth. If your soil can retain its nutrients it helps minimize the need to use fertilizer. A healthy soil is less likely to leach its nutrients into ground and surface waters.
Increasing the nutrients available to the root system leads to a stronger healthier plant. The predator-prey interactions increase the available nutrients required by the plant and enables it to absorb them in the correct dosage at the time the nutrients are required.
Assists in reducing the negative impact that chemical-based pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers have on beneficial micro-organisms in the ecosystem.
Improves the intake of nutrients by increasing foliar uptake. The beneficial micro-organisms increase the time the stomata stay open, while at the same time reducing evaporative loss from the leaf surface.
Reduces water loss and improves the water retention of the soil thereby reducing the need for frequent watering.
Improves tilth by building better soil structure. Soil with vigor must contain not only bacteria but also fungi, protozoa, nematodes and micro arthropods.
Our Liquid Extract registered Organic and is made fresh for every order.
Let’s build healthy soil together!