Vermicompost – A Living Soil Amendment - You are in for a treat! If you are as fascinated with worms as I am, that is.
Allison Jack, at Cornell University. has recently created an INCREDIBLE video about vermicomposting, and worms in general. Sit back and enjoy some microscopic footage and short, but very compelling, education.
Worms At Work - 20 Days Time Lapse Of Vermicomposting
Some of these recommendations are on my Affiliate Marketing associations and does not change pricing. Any book I suggest is also in my library too if you would rather just borrow it.
A treasure of information!!
This book allows the reader to identify soil conditions based upon weed populations. Weed inventory is a very accurate method of identifying mineral requirements for all soil types and "When Weeds Talk" identifies 21 soil variables for over 800 weed species. Unique, informative and full of valuable information for farmers, gardeners, landscapers and turf managers.
When we use chemical fertilizers, we injure the microbial life that sustains plants, and then become increasingly dependent on an arsenal of toxic substances. Teaming with Microbes offers an alternative to this vicious circle, and details how to garden in a way that strengthens, rather than destroys, the soil food web.
The 3rd book in the Trilogy. All 3 books are important and I hope you read them all!
Almost every plant in a garden forms a relationship with fungi, and many plants would not exist without their fungal partners. By better understanding this relationship, home gardeners can take advantage of the benefits of fungi, which include an increased uptake in nutrients, resistance to drought, earlier fruiting, and more.